Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DDD Ep 3: Gundamn it! Where are you?

Direct Download (128 kbps)

Segment Breakdown

1) Introductions/What are you catching up to?

Intermission: Anivision Podcast Commercial

2) Mecha and what we see in it.

TSRL's Tunes: Kalafina- Oblivious

3) DDD's Gundam mini-roundup

Intermission: Anime Addicts Anonymous Podcast Commercial

4) Our Special Thanks to Gundamn!@MAHQ

5) Outro's/Trip D's OUT!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

DDD Ep 2: Knockin' on E3's Door

The Trip "D" Podcast steps away from anime and TYPE-MOON to talk about something really out of the air..E3 of the year of 2010.. With emphasis on all the press conferences, this 2 hour episode brings viewers with no XXX and YYY... For YOU WILL NOT GET SUCKED!

Segment Breakdown

1) Introductions/What are you catching up this week?

Intermission: Anime Addicts Anonymous Podcast

2) E3 Press Conference Discussion Pt1: Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft

Grim's Tunes:
Usa & Yamai- Cyclone

3) E3 Conference Discussion Part 2: Sony, Nintendo, and the honorable mention of Konami

Intermission: Anivision Podcast Commercial

4) Outro: Future Lineups that our hosts plan to follow...

Bakuhasu: Episode 2 was one damn good recording and it was really fun to edit...twice... Hope you guys accept this E3 edition of our Anime/Spoiler heavy podcast. Hey! E3 only comes once a year and well why the heck not? So sit back and waste another 2 hours with your fellow hosts. Till then... TRIP D's OUT!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

DDD Ep 1: Three Fourths Canadian!

Welcome! To our Inaugural Episode of the Triple "D" Podcast! This is a new show created by Bakuhasu with a bunch of others such as Flags from www.Sekijitsu.com, Grim Reaper Hei from the RRFDP, TheSuspisciousRedLamp being hosts with the central focus of Anime. With that said The Decoration Disorder Disconnection Podcast continues on the RRFDP tradition of anime by talking about latest titles of this season, next season, and our TYPE-MOON discussion of the story that takes place in the same realm Tsukihime and Meltyblood!

Segment Breakdown

1) Introduction to the new DDD Podcast

2) What is everybody watching?

Intermission: Anime Addicts Anonymous Podcast Commercial

3) TYPE-MOON Discussion Part 2: Tsukihime

Flag's Tunes
: Sayonara Memories

4) TYPE-MOON Discussion Part 3: Melty Blood series

Intermission: Anivision Podcast Commercial

5) What are you guys looking forward to?/Outros

Some last things to say...: Hey guys this is Bakuhasu updating the blog for the new episode. I am just baffled and astounded that I had created a new show strictly with a focus of anime with a bunch of hosts both new and old of the RRFDP Podcast. If you're wondering where is the 1st of the TYPE-MOON roundup it's all the way at episode 17 of the RRFDP Podcast. So I hope both listeners old and new like the new shift and this new show.. Till the second episode, TRIP D's OUT!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some special Thank yous!

Hey guys here Baku here still in the process of editing, but before I release the first episode, I would just want to mention some people that deserves some worthy thanks yous.

First of all thanks to Elvenbladerogue for creating a good album art cover for this podcast. I have to thank him because he pretty much set forward in setting away some confusion that led towards the development of this podcast. Also something to mention is the said album cover that is used with the promo of this podcast. I didn't demand it but he did it out on a whim for that I must thank him for that.

I will have to say on behalf of the other members of the Decoration Disorder Disconnection Podcast in that I have to thank TheSuspiciousRedLamp's friend Will for providing the awesome banner above, and the awesome album art that will be used. A million thank yous isn't enough for Will's charitable act.

As someone who is stressing out with the problems with the start of a new podcast, I am forever grateful for the reasons why he took his time and to use his skills to help the much needed just left me speechless. I just have to say it one more time Will THANK YOU!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Presenting the DDD Podcast!!

Hey Guys Bakuhasu here from the RRFDP Podcast here presenting a new Podcast called the Decoration Disorder Disconnection Podcast. This is a new show with a fresher "feel".

Along with a bunch of familiar voices that has appeared in the RRFDP

Flags from sekijitsu.com

Grim Reaper Hei

and TheSuspiciousRedLamp

We are here to talk about in depth anime related segments with whatever comes out in our intellect when it comes to the subject. If you want a full fledged anime podcast with a slight flavor of RRFDP come in and tune in!!

Check out our Promo *check player above* it's a little bit of a promo and a little bit of what's in store in our inaugural episode.

Till our first Episode Trip D's OUT!